SonLight Power Debuts in Costa Rica with Collaborative Impact

SonLight Power's solar destinations, typically, are off the beaten path. But this one? Well – there was barely a path to beat.

Our mission to the remote indigenous village of the Cabécar tribe in northeastern Costa Rica started traditionally enough: A bone-jarring ride on a deeply-rutted road after leaving the main highway out of San Jose.

What followed was a rollercoaster-like rafting adventure through Class 4 rapids that would have challenged even Indiana Jones. Then, a strenuous hike through a steamy jungle on a mud-clogged path to the village where we would share the light of solar power and the Power of the Lord.

We were thankful the solar panels had been delivered a few days before. But we wondered: How on earth did they get them there?

EBCI sign

Our partners on this journey, the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, were a combination of teenagers and their chaperones who had selected this project as part of their commitment to learn about and provide community service to other indigenous peoples.

We trained the North Carolina-based group earlier in June and they were ready to go – installing, with our direction, 500 Watts of solar power on the village's school. That's enough sustainable electricity to empower refrigeration to preserve school meals and lighting for all rooms of the school that would have otherwise gone dark and unused after sunset.

Later in the week, we met with several other missionary groups in Costa Rica's capital city and we look forward to returning there in the near future. This was SonLight Power's first project in Costa Rica and there are opportunities for more collaborative outreach there. We'll be back.

Wish you were there? Well – you were! Thanks for your support!

For more photos from our mission trip to Costa Rica, visit the album posted on our Facebook page.

For more information and on-site photos of this and other SonLight Power mission trips, visit and 'Like' the SonLight Power fans page on Facebook

Does your family, church, or workplace want to join or sponsor a SonLight Power mission trip? Connect with us at +1 or e-mail [email protected].

Photo of school in Costa Rica
SonLight Power volunteers in training SonLight Power volunteers in training

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