Yes – our projects rely on nuts, bolts, solar panels, batteries and inverters. But what really makes a successful project is the people who put their muscle, heart and soul into every installation.
Typically, our work teams complete two to four installations on each trip in several locations. Teams range in size from five to 12 members with one experienced engineer in the lead. Work teams are usually in-country from five to seven days, living on site and getting to know the local residents.
Our mission trips, typically, are not arduous but they do require some level of physical fitness. Team members should, for example, be able to hike at least two miles to a job site and do some bending and light lifting. Training will be provided but, beyond that, no other work experience is required.
You must be at least 18 years of age but teenagers as young as 14 can also participate, as long as they accompanied by one of their parents.
Are you interested? Do you want to make a difference? Would you like to organize a mission trip or participate in one? If so, click here for more information.